Celebrity Couples Who Stayed Together After Embarrassing Cheating Scandals

Everyone loves a good celebrity gossip story, especially when it involves a cheating scandal. But it’s easy to forget that behind those tabloids and tweets are real people who are facing feelings of hurt and betrayal. We hear of celebrity couples who split all the time, some of them because one or both partners strayed.
But sometimes the couple stays together, moving past the infidelity. These public figures chose to stand by their men (or women) and move forward.
Beyoncé and Jay-Z
Beyoncé and Jay-Z

Jay-Z and Beyoncé have been together since 2002, forming one of the most iconic power couples of our time. But last year’s “Lemonade” album alluded to some serious infidelity on Jay-Z’s part, something that he eventually admitted to. Both of their latest albums include details disguised as song lyrics, but the two have stayed together.
Next: This big-time basketball star carries a lifelong reminder of his cheating ways. 
Magic Johnson and Cookie Johnson

In 1991, Earvin “Magic” Johnson married Cookie … and just 45 days later, he was diagnosed with HIV. He was then faced with the grueling task with not only calling various women he’d slept with, but confessing to Cookie that he’d been unfaithful during their courtship. Cookie not only stood by him, she vowed to help him fight for his health — and she has.
Next: Considering the way this relationship started, her husband’s infidelity wasn’t a huge surprise.
Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott

Tori and Dean were both married to other people when they met, but they soon left their spouses for each other, got married, and had four children. But a few years ago, Spelling got the shock of her life when she learned McDermott had been unfaithful to her. The two worked hard to rebuild their relationship, and now they’re stronger than ever — and they even welcomed a new baby into their lives.
Next: This British celebrity was caught with his pants down. 
Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley

Hugh Grant was in a long-term relationship with Elizabeth Hurley in 1995, when he was caught having oral sex with a prostitute in his car. Hurley stayed with him until 2000, when they split amicably after 13 years together. The two remain good friends to this day.
Next: Marriage Boot Camp seemed to help this couple. 
Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett

In June 2014, Kendra Wilkinson found out that her husband, Hank Baskett, had an inappropriate encounter with a transgender model. The couple went on Marriage Boot Camp together and now claim that their marriage is stronger than ever.
Next: This affair nearly ended a presidency.
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has learned of multiple affairs on Bill’s part over the course of their marriage, but none was quite as famous as the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which almost cost him the presidency. Hillary stood by Bill through it all, and they remain married to this day.
Next: This late night talk show host beat his blackmailer with the truth.
David Letterman and Regina Lasko
David Letterman and Regina Lasko

Letterman and Lasko have been married since 2009, but they’ve been together decades longer — he waited 23 years to marry her. Several years ago, Letterman became the victim of extortion, when someone demanded $2 million from him and threatened to reveal that he’d slept with some of his staffers. Letterman beat the blackmailers by admitting the truth on national TV and asking for forgiveness from Lasko, who apparently was able to give it to him (they’re still married).
Next: This rocker was eventually forgiven for his affair with a hair stylist.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne

Ozzy Osborne left his first wife for Sharon in the early 80s, and they’ve been together ever since — but it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. While both have admitted to infidelities in the past, Sharon was devastated to learn that Ozzy recently had an affair with a hair stylist. She left him briefly, but the two soon reconciled and seem stronger than ever.
Next: This couple is practically British royalty, despite the cheating rumor.
David and Victoria Beckham
David and Victoria Beckham

It’s hard to imagine David Beckham cheating on Victoria since the two seem to have such a loving, committed, and passionate relationship (their four children are proof). But in 2004, their personal assistant, Rebecca Loos, claimed she had a brief affair with David. While there was never any concrete evidence, a few photos of Beckham and Loos did surface, and Loos was fired from her job with the family. But David and Victoria stayed together through it all.
Next: This basketball star’s slip cost him millions.
Kobe and Vanessa Bryant
Kobe and Vanessa Bryant

In 2003, Kobe Bryant was accused of rape by an employee of a hotel where he was staying. While he denied the rape charge, he did admit to consensual sex, much to the dismay of his young wife, Vanessa. Kobe bought Vanessa a $4 million apology ring, and although she did file for divorce in 2011, it was eventually called off. Kobe and Vanessa are still married and have two children.
Next: This rapper doesn’t even deny cheating on his wife many times.
Snoop Dogg and Shante Broadus
Snoop Dogg and Shante Broadus

Snoop and Shante tied the knot more than 20 years ago, but that didn’t stop Snoop from having numerous affairs. He has admitted to his indiscretions and seems to have stopped them, and although the couple filed for divorce in 2004, it was called off and they have stayed married.
Next: There has never been proof that this famous husband strayed, but the rumors are strong.
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

This dynamic duo has been married since 1997, an eternity in Hollywood. But there have been multiple reports of Broderick’s infidelities, including a 25-year-old blond and a “stunning redhead.” Still, Sarah Jessica has stood by her man.
Next: After the scandal surfaced, these young stars didn’t last long.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

There was no denying that Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson with her Snow White and the Huntsman director — there was photographic evidence. She tearfully apologized, and Pattinson forgave her. The two stayed together until shortly after the last Twilight movie was released.
Next: Why do celebrities cheat so much?
Celebrities and cheating
If you feel as if celebrities tend to cheat more than “average” couples, you’re not alone. Celebs have a “high mate value” due to their social status, finances, and better-than-average looks. The abundance of temptation and time spent away from their partners due to work projects can contribute to the frequency of the infidelities. Perhaps the rest of us are better off not being famous.
Next: And finally … does it really matter?
 Why do we care?
There’s no doubt about it: As a society, we are fixated on celebrities. But don’t worry, this obsession might actually be good for us. According to Frank McAndrew, PhD, celebs may be the only “friends” we have in common with new acquaintances, thus providing a common interest and topic of conversations between people who otherwise might not have much to say. Keeping up with the Kardashians (and other celebs, politicians, and athletes) makes us more socially adept during our daily interactions.
So read about these celebrity cheating scandals guilt-free, knowing that you’re simply trying to improve your social skills.

Police gave farmer back the keys to his gun cabinet hours before he 'shot himself' dead following break-up with his partner after 17 years

A farmer was given back the keys to his gun cabinet by police just hours before he shot himself dead, an inquest heard.

Glen Brough, 36, was found dead by officers in a field near Escrick, Yorkshire, next to a shotgun.

The inquest heard he had broken up with his partner of 17 years, Stephanie Neathway, 45, and had been trying to phone her repeatedly the night before he died in August.

Police told the inquest he left a series of messages on her phone including one in which a gunshot was heard.

Police gave farmer back the keys to his gun cabinet hours before he 'shot himself' dead following break-up with his partner after 17 years

Glen Brough, 36, pictured, was found dead next to a shotgun after breaking up with his girlfriend of 17 years, an inquest heard

Reading the messages at the hearing, Detective Sergeant Fiona McEwan said: '"I suggest you get round here. This is the first'"... I could hear a gunshot... "'and the second is going in my mouth".' 

In a written statement, Ms Neathway's mother Mary Sullivan said Mr Brough had contacted her upset and crying on the evening of August 27, following the break-up with her daughter.

She said he told her 'I am really sorry for what I am going to put you through.'

In a statement, Ms Sullivan said: 'I just thought, he is going to do something stupid.'

Coroner Rob Turnbull told a jury police responded by visiting Mr Brough that evening and taking away the keys to his gun cabinet.

But the next morning at 9.45am he had gone to Selby Police Station and had been given the keys back.

In her statement, Ms Neathway said she returned from a horse ride to be told by friend Gwyneth Jackson that Mr Brough had left a message and his car keys for her at the stable and that he would be 'waiting at the top of the lane'.

Her statement said: 'I was petrified and broke down in tears.'

She also told the inquest she knew of an incident when Mr Brough was 16 when he 'deliberately drove into a bridge causing himself serious injury'.

Ms Neathway said she phoned the police to report concerns for his wellbeing.

She also said she had been at a restaurant with work colleagues on the evening of August 27.

Early on August 28, she had messaged Mr Brough to say he could function without her and urged him to 'get a grip on himself, do one of his hobbies and stop sitting there wallowing'.

The inquest at Innovation Centre, the University of York, heard police launched a search for Mr Brough following Ms Neathway's call. 

It also heard medical evidence that Mr Brough had died from a shot to the head and had not been under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Former partner Stephanie Neathway, 45, pictured, told the inquest she was concerned for Mr Brough after receiving worrying messages and contacted police over his welfare

Mr Brough, of North Duffield near Selby, came from a Thirsk family and had worked on several farms.

His sister, Lyn Hickman, said he had held a firearms' licence for several years and had always wanted to be a farmer. 

In his opening remarks the coroner told the jury: 'Nobody is on trial here. There is no question of attributing blame.'

Their task was to establish the facts surrounding Mr Brough's death. The issues they would have to decide on included the police response to Mrs Sullivan's concerns and whether it had been appropriate to return Mr Brough's gun cabinet keys. 

They would also have to decide whether he took his own life and whether he intended to do so.

Det Sgt McEwan told the inquest she found no evidence that anyone else had caused the death.

The inquest continues.

Do You Know Your Emotional Style?

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson spent almost 40 years studying the brain mechanisms that underlie our emotions. He determined that individuals have unique and consistent ways of responding to life experiences. These emotional styles are governed by specific identifiable brain circuits.

In his book, The Emotional Life of Your Brain, co-authored with Sharon Begley, he describes six emotional styles:

1. Self-Awareness: How well you perceive the physical sensations in your body that reflect your emotions. (Self-awareness is determined by the ability of the insula to interpret signals from the body and organs.)

2. Sensitivity to Context: How good you are at regulating your emotional responses depending on the context you're in. (This sensitivity is driven by activity levels in the hippocampus.)

3. Resilience: How slowly or quickly you recover from adversity. (Resilience is determined by signals between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.)

4. Social Intuition: How adept you are at picking up social signals from people around you. (Social intuition is shaped by the interplay between the amygdala and fusiform regions.)

5. Attention: How clear and sharp your focus is. (Attention is regulated by the prefrontal cortex.)

6. Outlook: How long you are able to sustain positive emotion. (Outlook is determined by the levels of activity in the ventral striatum, which is a part of the brain linked to our reward system).

I find it interesting that few of these six emotional styles directly correlate with the five basic components of emotional intelligence:

1. Self-Awareness: The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, as well as the effect they have on others.

2. Self-Regulation: The ability to control and appropriately express emotions and impulses.

3. Social Skills: The ability to interact well with others.

4. Empathy: The ability to understand how others are feeling and respond accordingly

5. Internal Motivation: The ability to fulfill your own inner needs and goals.

Let's use ES to identify Emotional Style and EI to identify Emotional Intelligence.

There are two emotional styles that directly correspond to two components of emotional intelligence:

Self-Awareness [ES] is clearly similar to Self-Awareness [EI].
Sensitivity to Context [ES] seems to correspond to Self-Regulation [EI].
The remaining four emotional styles appear to have a less distinct relationship to the emotional intelligence components. You may disagree with some of my pairings. I'm not sure what this says about my personality, but I prefer for things to even out...
It is possible that Resilience [ES] may relate in some way to Self-Regulation [EI].
Social Intuition [ES] may correspond to Social Skills [EI]
A case might be made that Social Intuition [ES] is related to Empathy [EI].
A case might also be made that Attention [ES] is related in some part to Internal Motivation [EI].
Finally, Outlook [ES] may relate to Internal Motivation [EI].
Despite this apparent lack of correspondence, both emotional styles and emotional intelligence do share one important quality. Neuroplasticity means that the brain (and thus, how you think, feel and respond) can be changed. Becoming more aware of your emotions is the first step in transforming them and your brain. Emotional styles can be modified and emotional intelligence skills can be learned and developed.
If you would like to get a sense of your emotional style, the Center for Healthy Minds offers a short questionnaire.

Richard Davidson is the founder of the Center for Healthy Minds, which is located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Even though I scored a 7 out of 7 for Attention on the emotional styles questionnaire, I'm embarrassed to admit that I had never heard of him or the Center, even though I have lived near the University for decades.

Deborah Spring Laurel is the President of Laurel and Associates, Ltd., a certified woman-owned small business that builds and strengthens managerial, employee development and technical skills through the design and delivery of participatory classroom training on a national and international basis. If you would like your participants to leave training with practical skills that they can use immediately, or you would like your trainers to facilitate quality programs that effectively achieve their learning goals, contact Deborah at http://www.laurelandassociates.com, where you can also access over 700 management and training tips.